The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy – Does it Work?


No matter how well you have learned roulette; you need a good system to play and Fibonacci roulette strategy is one of them.

Roulette players must use roulette strategies to maximize their winning chance since roulette is a round of chance and the fate of players’ money is at the mercy of a spinning roulette wheel. There is a bunch of roulette strategies, and the Fibonacci roulette strategy is one of them. If you want to learn more about the Fibonacci roulette system, pursue this article of

Fibonacci roulette strategy and all you need to know about it

Learning different roulette strategies like the martingale betting system and the three-two roulette betting system, helps you to use them in difficult roulette gaming conditions. By learning these strategies, you will find out how to compare them, and when to implement them in an unpredictable game like roulette. Now if you want to add the Fibonacci roulette system to your gambling knowledge, it is suggestive to read this passage.

What is the Fibonacci strategy?

What is the Fibonacci strategy?


Before get into details about, first we have to answer a main question, “What is the Fibonacci strategy?” The Fibonacci method can be utilized with any sort of roulette game. It is named after the thirteenth-century Italian mathematician, Leonardo Pisano, who also passed by the name Fibonacci.

Fibonacci had surveyed Indian and Arabic numerical frameworks and recognized certain patterns in nature that identify with everything from the twistings on a snail’s shell to the reproducing patterns of rabbits. Obviously, bettors before long cottoned on to Fibonacci’s number framework, and have been using it for roulette wagering for quite a long time.

The logic behind the Fibonacci method

Even though researchers today start the Fibonacci succession with a zero, it isn’t really significant with regards to the size of the wagers, so the gambling club framework begins with 1. To proceed with the trend of Fibonacci framework, we need another 1 and afterward, we get 2 (1+1), 3 (2+1), 5 (3+2, etc. These are the first Fibonacci numbers and the ones that are generally utilized in wagering:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, and so forth

The procedure of using Fibonacci framework dependent on these numbers is applied to even-cash wagers in roulette – red and black, high and low, and even and odd. As you probably are aware well, red and black are similarly prone to happen in the game, however, the specific odds are under 50% because of the presence of the green zero on the roulette wheel. All things considered, these even-cash wagers are as close as you can get to 50/50 possibilities in this gambling club game – in European/French roulette, with every one of these wagers, we have 18 different ways to win and 19 different ways to lose. This is the reason for picking one of them and adhering to it all through the wagering session is suggested when utilizing the Fibonacci strategy.

Types of the Fibonacci strategy

Types of the Fibonacci strategy


There are two types of Fibonacci system. Throughout the long term, gambling club players have made various varieties of famous wagering methodologies. Since Fibonacci system has quite a dependable history, it’s to be expected to see that players have altered this framework too.

To be exact, the official variety of the Fibonacci Roulette system is known as the Reverse Fibonacci. As the name recommends, this Fibonacci Roulette strategy is the exact inverse of the ‘standard’ Fibonacci methodology. To explain, Reverse Fibonacci is a positive progression framework. In interpretation, you increment the wagers after a win, not after a loss.

Smartest bets for the Fibonacci

Before we explain How to use Fibonacci strategy in Roulette, lets talk about the bets that you can put down with this system. This framework suggests the utilization of even-cash wagers including black/red, even/odd, or low 18/high 18. Because of the house edge, each offers a 47% chance to win each round. The payout for these outside wagers is 1/1. Along these lines, on the off chance that you wager $5, the payout will just add up to $5. These are viewed as the most reduced risk wagers accessible in Roulette.

How to Use Fibonacci strategy in Roulette

How to Use Fibonacci strategy in Roulette


As Fibonacci Roulette system explained above, now you have a better understanding of the system. At the point of using Fibonacci betting system in Roulette wagering, you track with the sequence to decide the amount you bet on an even cash wager.

On the off chance that you lose your wager, you proceed with the sequence from 1 unit, to 1 unit once more, at that point 2 units – 3 units – 5 units – 8 units, etc, recording the sequence as you proceed. The trickier part regarding Fibonacci betting system in Roulette comes in when you win a wager. On the off chance that your wager wins on the first go, you basically begin the sequence once more the same way implementing the Fibonacci Roulette system explained above.

Nevertheless, on the off chance that you are further along with the sequence after various consecutive losses, you basically cross off the last two numbers in the succession, and carry on from the number you are left with. The Fibonacci Roulette strategy closes when all the numbers are crossed out, and you get done with more cash than you began with.

The Fibonacci wagering framework in work

The Fibonacci Roulette strategy is a negative progression framework, which implies that you increment your bet each time you lose a wager. To utilize the Fibonacci Roulette system viably, it is ideal to search out wagers at odds of even cash. Evens wagers give you approximately a 50 percent possibility of winning and will doubling your cash on the off chance that you win.

To keep things straightforward, how about we envision your bet is $1. You should simply follow the succession. We should view the sequence once more:

  • 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144…

With a stake of $1, beginning toward the start of the sequence, it would resemble this:

  • $1, $1, $2, $3, $5, $8, $13, $21, $34, $55, $89, $144…

Each time you lose a wager, move one number to right side. Each time you win a wager, move two numbers to left side. If you haven’t climbed at least two numbers in the sequence before winning, at that point simply start toward the beginning once more.


Now how about we take a gander at another model in more detail.

  • Bet $1 (one unit) and lose
  • Bet $1 (one unit) and lose
  • Bet $2 (two units) and lose
  • Bet $3 (three units) and lose
  • Bet $5 (five units) and lose
  • Bet $8 (eight units) and win

Following on from this, since you have won, you would now move two numbers to the left side of the sequence, from eight units back to three units.

  • Bet $3 (three units) and win

Once more, since you have won, you would move two numbers back in the sequence, from three units back to one unit.

  • Bet $1 (one unit)

As each number in the Fibonacci Roulette strategy succession speaks to wagering units, it stays extremely basic, paying little mind to your stake. Suppose, for instance, your bet is $5, the succession would now look something like this:

$5, $5, $10, $15, $25, $40, $65, $105, $170, $275…

The solitary framework where a Fibonacci roulette methodology works

The solitary framework where a Fibonacci roulette methodology works


The advantage of playing roulette with the methodologies like roulette computers or roulette wheel bias examination is that the player can experimentally foresee where the ball will fall. Such methodologies are the solitary ones that work, and they give the edge back to the player. A run of the mill edge can be as high as 90% or more for a roulette computer.

In such cases, the player will benefit regardless of whether their wager size was the equivalent on each turn. Yet, it’s conceivable to still have losing streaks, where the player may not win for maybe 5 spins in succession. It is absolutely impossible to try not to lose streaks since you can never impeccably foresee the winning number.

If the Fibonacci Roulette system was applied in such a case, the player has a solid edge and is nearly ensured to win in the following few spins. This implies the wager size can securely be expanded, and more can be won in less time.

The wagering methodology shouldn’t really be Fibonacci Roulette strategy succession. It could simply be the martingale where wagered size is doubled after every loss. Yet, it is savvier to utilize a less aggressive progression since, supposing that your system is excessively aggressive, you can lose a great deal in a brief timeframe all given uncanny misfortune. The Martingale wager sequence is 1,2,4,8,16,32 and you can see the size of wagers rapidly twisting wild. A milder progression (wager size after loss) perhaps 1,2,3,4,5,6, etc.

Will the Fibonacci roulette technique beat the house?

The antiquated history of the Fibonacci is adequately baffling to trick individuals into believing that this sequence has wizardry powers. Nonetheless, the cruel truth is that the Fibonacci Roulette system just looks tasteful. In actuality, the house advantage stays immaculate, regardless of which wagering procedure you apply.

In fact, the alleged even wagers in roulette are not offering a 50-50 possibility. The club has an intrinsic preferred position of 2.70%, and this rate implies that you will lose a greater number of spins than you’ll win in the long haul. Therefore, players should be cautious while applying the Fibonacci system to their sessions. However, this framework can be gainful for the time being, if Lady Luck concludes that you are deserving of her consideration.

Does The Fibonacci Roulette System Work?

Does The Fibonacci Roulette System Work?


So, now our main question is, “Does The Fibonacci Roulette system work?” The short answer is not really. The Fibonacci Roulette strategy has a similar issue as any other negative-progression wagering technique: to prove to be the best, you need to hazard a lot of money and suffer many losses simultaneously.

While it probably won’t be as dangerous as the Martingale system, where doubling your bet after every loss puts you in danger of hitting as far as possible instantly, the Fibonacci still works on the possibility that an even-cash bet will undoubtedly come up around 50% of the time. Specialists call that idea “the gambler’s fallacy” because no single result – even a possible one, like red to win – can actually be ensured to happen in possibility games like roulette.

The other enormous issue with the Fibonacci wagering sequence is that the danger infrequently coordinates the prize. On the off chance that you endure nine losses in a brief period, for example, you could undoubtedly end up putting down $340 when you’re just playing for an overall benefit of $10.

The Fibonacci roulette framework versus the martingale roulette framework

The two wagering frameworks have comparable qualities including their applications for roulette. Nonetheless, they have slight contrasts:

  • In Fibonacci, a player continues to the following number in the sequence on the off chance that they lose. When utilizing the martingale procedure, a player copies the stake sum if they lose.
  • If the player wins, the stake sums decline when utilizing Fibonacci.
  • Martingale is a high stake wagering framework that is less secure contrasted with Fibonacci which requires low bets.

Who should utilize the Fibonacci framework?

Who should utilize the Fibonacci framework?


It is safe to state that the Fibonacci Roulette system for roulette is just implied for players with a spending that can deal with greater losses. You should possibly play with Fibonacci upheld if you feel that it gives you a more energizing gaming experience. You ought to likewise attempt to play it with as small wagers as conceivable not to break the wagering furthest reaches of the club that you are playing in. The Fibonacci wagering framework for roulette is just for the brave with the money to back it up with!

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Fibonacci roulette strategy

Now that you have a firmer understanding of the Fibonacci, lets numerate the advantages and disadvantages of the Fibonacci roulette strategy.


  • Less aggressive than the Martingale.
  • Relatively simple to utilize, simply record your succession on a piece of paper.
  • You can play it on any wager, albeit many people use it on the high roulette table inclusion wagers like red/black or dozens.


  • It’s a negative progression so you flat wager after a win. On the off chance that your beginning wager is low, it very well may be slow work to squeeze out a sizable benefit.
  • The Fibonacci doesn’t change your odds: 2.6% in European Roulette.
  • The framework just clears out the last two losses. You may have to win again to pay back the entirety of your losses.
  • You still need to watch it! Your wagers can increment rapidly on the off chance that you are not having a day of reckoning.

Tips about the Fibonacci framework

Tips about the Fibonacci framework


  • Don’t pursue your losses. Set a spending plan and stick with it regardless of the Fibonacci training you to stop just when you pick up a benefit.
  • There are no ensured wins with this or any roulette framework. Every session shifts despite even-chance odds.
  • When utilizing a negative progression wager framework, consistently consider the consequence before choosing a base unit. The both wagers and losses increment drastically in a short measure of time.

Most frequent questions concerning the Fibonacci system

  • How does the Fibonacci methodology work?

The Fibonacci roulette system relies upon the mathematical succession of a similar name. All players need to do is follow a couple of basic steps and increment or abatement their bet by the Fibonacci succession.

  • Is the Fibonacci procedure safe?

Safe is a theoretical idea with regards to playing roulette, as the entire thought of the game and betting, all in all is to face challenges. Notwithstanding, whenever contrasted with other wagering frameworks, like the Martingale, the Fibonacci methodology appears to be extensively more secure.

  • Why utilize the Fibonacci roulette system?

The Fibonacci roulette wagering framework is by a wide margin probably the most secure technique out there. It is considerably less aggressive and won’t leave you broke if your karma runs out and you end up on a losing streak. Other than that, there is simply something supernatural about it that catches the creative mind of card sharks and attracts them to it.

  • Is the Fibonacci wagering framework utilized elsewhere?

Truly! The Fibonacci wagering framework discovers applications in every aspect of betting where even wagers can be set.


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